Monday, December 21, 2009

Jam-Filled Sugar Cookies

Ok, I'm just going to start off this entry by saying that these cookies are absolutely AMAZING! They're ten times better than any sugar cookie I've ever had. They have a soft crunchiness to them...soft, yet crunchy at the same time. Wait, maybe "crunchy" isn't the right word. Because it's not "crunchy" like a "Doritos crunch," more like a soft "shortbread cookie crunch." lol. That doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense, does it? But it's true! They're so delicious that I'm at a loss for words! You'll just have to try this recipe to see for yourself! Pure bliss to your taste buds. YUM.

Remember these beautiful cookies cutters?

I used them to make the Gingerbread Cookies that went on top of those delicious Gingerbread Cupcakes. Aren't they adorable?!

So this cookie recipe came about because I wanted another reason to use the cutters. I bought them especially for the holiday season and I loved them so much that I wanted to put them to good use! I couldn't bare to pack them away for next year without using them one last time.

I had been meaning to try this Jam-Filled Sugar Cookie recipe from my Williams Sonoma cookbook for a while now, so this seemed like the perfect time!

(1) Make the Cookies

Sift together the dry ingredients.

Combine butter and powdered sugar until smooth.

Add in vanilla and almond extracts. Mix until well blended and the dough has formed into large clumps.

With your hands, gently push together the dough clumps to form two flattened, circular disks. Wrap tightly in seran wrap and refrigerate for about an hour.

Roll the dough to be about 1/4 inch thick. Cut out your snowflakes and transfer them to a parchment paper lined cookie sheet. The cookies should be able to hold its shape pretty well and won't give you any trouble when transferring. I found this to be a really good cookie dough recipe, one that isn't too soft and won't fall apart easily. If you find that your dough is too soft after you roll it out, you can stick it into the freezer for about 5 minutes. Be careful not to leave it in there for longer than that, because it will become completely frozen and too hard to cut.

Bake the cookies at 325 degrees F for 12-15 minutes, until the sides are light brown.

(2) Assembling the Cookies

Use a really good quality jam, one that's not too sweet. I used Bonne Maman Strawberry preserves. It's a super high quality jam that won't leave you feeling like you've eaten a spoonful of sugar. You can usually find it at Whole Foods.

I didn't want to waste the small cookies that were cut out of the centers of the large ones, so I made them into small cookie sandwiches! They were super cute and looked nice when arranged on a platter with the large ones.

(3) Decorate the Cookies

Use your favorite royal icing recipe for these cookies. I don't follow a recipe to make mine. I simply dump a ton of powdered sugar into a bowl with a teaspoon of vanilla extract. Then, I slowly add heavy cream to the mixture until it reaches the right consistency- something thick that will allow for piping. Add your icing to a ziplock bag or a piping bag and decorate elaborately!

You'd be surprised at how easy it is to make these! I know many people shy away from attempting sugar cookies because they are intimidating. But fear not! Because this is an awesome recipe, both in terms of the dough consistency being easy to work with and in terms of deliciousness!

This is beautiful treat to have at a holiday party! Your guests will be super impressed!

Click HERE for the recipe.


  1. Love those cookies!! I actually just bought some snowflake cookie cutters today so I could do the exact same thing - cut the middle out of the bigger one & make cute li'l snowflakes. Probably just gonna frost 'em normally though, but the jam looks delicious!

  2. Gasp - that red jam is stunning in combination with the white royal icing. Lovely cookies, as usual!


  3. wow those cookies look so good. i will have to make them tomorrow

  4. Exquisity Judy! I love making linzers out of different shapes, rather than using the standard linzer cutters - these are spectacular! Maybe there's still time for me to drag these cutters out! And isn't that WS Cookies book fantastic? Love everything about these - simply wonderful!

  5. These are beautiful!!!

  6. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! XO

  7. happy holidays to you too! these cookies are as gorgeous as all your posts, I made some pretty ugly sugar cookies recently so this is great to learn from!

  8. Those are beautiful cookies! My goal next year is to make cookies as beautiful as these! Merry Christmas!
