Thursday, December 24, 2009

Cupcakes, Cupcakes, Cupcakes! A Giveaway!

Ever since starting my blog about six months ago, I've had quite a few cupcake adventures! I've featured so many different flavors of them and have made so many cupcake wrappers along the way! Cupcakes are definitely my #1 sweet treat!

I've had hundreds of readers email me to ask for the cupcake wrapper template, while others email with questions on how to make the perfect frosting swirl! People seem to love them!

Cupcakes are just so beautiful and elegant, especially with personalized wrappers! Add a giant, soft-serve swirl on top and no one can resist!


Here's a recap if you've missed them:

Pumpkin Cupcakes with Pumpkin Swiss Meringue Buttercream for Halloween

Grace's Cupcakes: Chocolate Cupcakes with Salted Caramel Swiss Meringue Buttercream

Candied Sweet Potato Cupcakes with Marscarpone frosting for Thanksgiving

Gingerbread Cupcakes topped with Gingerbread Cookies and Cinnamon Swiss Meringue Buttercream for Christmas


For about two months now, I've been thinking about doing a Giveaway. I was browsing through kitchen store after kitchen store, looking for something cool to give away, to no avail. Nothing seemed cool enough or good enough. I can't express how much it's meant to me when readers comment or email to support my endeavor in becoming a Domestic Goddess. So, it had to be something good.

Then I thought: I need to stick with what I know. Cupcakes. And cupcake wrappers. Plus, what could be better than a hand crafted gift? =)

So, here it is:

click to enlarge photo

TA-DA! Hehe. You're probably squinting at the picture and thinking "what the heck is that pile of junk and why would I want it??"

BEHOLD: it's all the stuff you need to make beautiful cupcake wrappers and beautiful frosting swirls! All the stuff hundreds of readers have been emailing me about! =D Pretty cool for a pile of junk, eh?

Ok, let's break it down:

I had some beautiful black and white patterned paper.

I turned them into 31 cupcake wrappers!

To assemble the cupcake wrappers and to fit it around the cupcakes, you'll need a heavy duty double sided tape. It's in a fancy, easy to use dispenser, no less!

And you'll need piping bags for the frosting, of course.

But wait! You can't make beautiful frosting swirls without my favorite jumbo-sized piping tip! So I thew one in! (You don't need a coupler. I never use one for my cupcakes. Just stick the jumbo tip right into the piping bag.)

You'll also need fancy craft scissors to make the beautiful scalloped edges. I've already cut the edges for you this time, so the scissors are for if you want to make them yourself in the future! Or if your cupcakes are a bit short, and you'd like to trim down the wrapper.

So one lucky winner will get this: Judy's Ultimate Fancy Cupcake Set! Everything you'll need to make beautiful cupcakes, from swirl to wrapper!

How to Enter

Leave a comment on my blog that contains the following:

(1) Answer this question:

What would you like to see on my blog in the future and/or what do you like about my blog that you'd like to see more of

(2) Subscribe via reader or email and let me know which method you've subscribed by

(3) Leave an email address where I can contact you

Enter before 8 pm pacific time on Sunday, December 27th, 2009.

A winner will be chosen at random and announced on December 28th, 2009.

Merry Christmas!


  1. I absolutely love your recipes! The step by step photos are so wonderful! The peppermint bark was delicious :) So I guess, since you can't have too much of a good thing, I would love more recipes!

    The cupcake wrappers are adorable!

    Subscribed by e-mail

  2. Great post and wonderful giveaway Judy. I love seeing your cupcake adventures - from start to finish (batter, frosting prep - I've learned a lot from all the "little" things)! You have the total package - including the packaging! I'm constantly amazed at your artistic talents with those liners. You need to start selling those - I'll buy some!
    * I signed up for the email (feedburner) - hopefully that got my email through!

  3. Wow, a giveaway on top of sharing all your recipes~ Thank you. I must say, after coming across your blog, I tried several of your recipes and they were all yum yum to my tummmy! I also even spluged on that pie dish!! well worth the money. I am going to make the Ratatouille Crositini again for my Christmas gathering. I would love to see some of your other "signiture" main dishes like your eggplant parmigiana. I currently subscribe thru the google reader. mrshwang012 at

  4. Hi Judy - I look forward to your e-mails and wonderful ideas/recipes. It seems there is an abundance of web sites/bloggers covering "desserts/sweets", so maybe in the future your site could present more main dishes and sides with some sweets thrown in for good measure; you might also address some sugar free recipes for those watching their weight or are diabetic. I subscribe via e-mail at Judy B. Houston, Texas

  5. I love that you have so many pictures on each of your posts!! And your recipes are wonderful. I have been subscribed via reader for awhile now.

  6. I actually love your non-cupcake recipes. I've made a few of them, and your flavor profiles are awesome. (I'm going to try your eggplant parm receipe next!)

    I would like to see a few more non-sweet treats on here...(although, I like the sweet ones, too!)

    I subscribed by email -

  7. I love seeing all the beautiful cupcake wrappers that you make.

    I subscribe by email

  8. I would love to see more recipes (of course) but more of the technical side of things. More techniques and more recipes!

    I subscribe via Google Reader!

  9. Great giveaway! It's hard to say what I'd like to see more of since everything you make looks like heaven!

    I love your cupcake wrappers!

    Happy Holidays!

  10. Hi Judy!!

    1. I love your photos! Envy them actually! Maybe you can take some pics of your photo area and send them to me some time? I tried setting up an area, but it's not the same!

    2. I subscribed via Goodle Reader.

    Cheers and Merry Christmas!

  11. I love all of your recipes--I would never try some of them without your prompting!
    I subscribed via email.
    My email address is

    Thanks for all of the great recipes and fun designs!

  12. I love your photographs, I'm pretty sure you could make dog food look gorgeous. I'm jealous - very jealous!

    I have you in my google reader subscription

  13. I love the cupcake ideas!! I love cupcakes!! how cool!!

  14. I really enjoy your recipes and the tutorials. I always look forward to your sweet treats! Thanks for the giveaway, Merry Christmas!

  15. Its the Gourmet Diva!! Your blog is great,Keep up with the step by step instructions, Im seeing that usually helps. I would also agree on tequnique and tips as well, somethings come second nature to those that cook a lot but there are a lot of people that dont cook as often.

  16. I love seeing your step by step photos. Hmm, I think I'd like to see more cookies. I know you don't like them but they're good :D


  17. Hey Judy!! I just love all of the cupcake tutorials, I was thinking maybe a tutorial on taking the pictures of all of your beautiful creations!!
    I have subscribed through email and my email is
    Thanks keep up the good work!!!

  18. I was attracted to your posts by the spectacular Red Velvet White Chocolate Cheesecake! I made it and basked under the attention it got. Thanks! I would love to see another cake just as spectacular (maybe something with peanut butter and chocolate or mint and chocolate...YUM!) I know other people probably have these on their blogs, but you seem to think outside the box as far as eye candy as well as taste! Your pics are also absolutely gorgeous! Another reason to see something from you! Keep up the wonderful work!~ Janine S.

    I already receive updates by email:

  19. I love reading your blog because Im a recently newly married and I love finding new recipes and following along what worked and hasnt worked for you.

    Im subscribed through reader

  20. Hi Judy

    I love your photographs and your tutorials - I would like to see a tutorial on how to take gorgeous cupcake photos. Keep up the fabulous work that you do on your blog - can't wait to see what creative ideas you'll implement in your next post!
    I'm subsribed to you on Google Reader as well as through your email updates.

    My email:

  21. hi judy! awesome giveaway! My favourite thing about your blog is your photography and knack for presentation, as I'm sure you must know given all my questions. I've been subscribed via google reader for a while already, and my email is . have a happy new year!

  22. I love just about everything on your blog! Is there a link to a recipe index, perhaps? Just to be able to see all of your lovely recipes in one place?

    I subscribed via email, and I look forward to that additional treat in my inbox!

  23. What a wonderful giveaway! :) I love your blog, and the step by step tutorials and pictures. I'd love to see more cupcakes, of course! (and maybe a cupcake giveaway for your readers in Seattle? *hint hint* ;) hehe) but seriously, your blog is amazing and inspires me to try new things!

    I'm subscribed by RSS!

    kimkchang at gmail dot com

  24. I love the cupcakes! A simple, easy food that can be made to look like it took forever. Though a person can't like on cupcakes alone, and more step-by-step tutorials are loved!

    I subscribe through google reader.

    lydia.penrod at gmail dot com

  25. Hi Judy,
    I know this giveaway is probably not for overseas readers of yr blog but I am going to leave a comment anyway.

    I think the best thing abt you and yr blog is that you are so willing to share yr findings and ideas with all of us who you have never met and that is the greatest giveaway for me.
    For me anything you blog on will be of interest to me so keep them coming.

    MS Club member.
    Happy Homemade Cupcakes

  26. Happy holidays, Judy! I'm so glad I happened to glance at my reader and caught this post just in time. I love all your step-by-step tutorials and like several others above would love to see them for more savory and vegetarian or seafood dishes. I'm already a subscriber and my email is Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  27. This is all too exciting!! A give away. I love that tip!

    Hmm... I'd like to see you make some bigger cakes. I know you already have... But I like big cakes. And pies! I just got a book called 'The Lost Art of Making Pie' for Christmas, and am going on a bit of a pie adventure myself.

    I subscribe already. You can get me at

  28. BTW - what a name! 'Judy's Ultimate Fancy Cupcake Set' I love it.

  29. I love your blog because you don't focus on one thing, you bake, cook, and take fabulous pictures. I made the Red Velvet White Chocolate Cheesecake last week and it was amazing!
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Subcribed by email

  30. What a bummer - I'm sorry I missed the opportunity to enter. Guess I shouldn't have been out of town!


  31. Love the cupcake wrappers! What type of paper do you use again for these?

