Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ten Food Blogs I love

I got tagged by a fellow blogger friend, Lucy of Mes Pensees et Reves, to do a post on "ten things that I love." (Lucy, how the heck do you get those crazy accents over the E's to show up?? lol.) She recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl (her first!) and blogged about the most amazing and inspirational birth story ever! She'll make you wanna do a natural birth, too. I know it has nothing to do with food, but it's definitely worth reading!

Anyway, I thought that it would be fun to do a "ten of my favorite food blogs" list, since food is my life! =) I subscribe to a giant list of food blogs through Google reader and I always look forward to it at the end of the day- sometimes I'll have up to 50 new posts! I always get so excited about this part of my day because I get so much of my inspiration from these blogs. It was hard to narrow it down to only ten! But here they are, in no particular order.

The most amazing food art EVER: cake pops! I'm sure everyone and their moms have seen these beauties, but I just had to mention it. Her extremely detailed creations never cease to amaze me! In fact, her food blog was the first one I had ever seen and it was what got me into food blogging! She inspired me to start my own! And here I am today- aspiring to be as good as her one day.

Equally as amazing as Bakerella. She lives on a ranch. Her hubby is a real live cowboy. She home schools her beautiful children. Takes amazing photographs. Published her own cookbook. AND she has time to blog. She's basically superwoman. I am always inspired by her creations!

Food and Fashion, all in one blog! Need I say more? =)

I like that she rates all the recipes for you and tells you whether or not she'd make it again, along with how much time it took to execute.


She's the macaron queen! She always posts the most amazing maracons ever! (among other things.) She makes it look easy.

This girl's amazing! She's only had her blog for about a year and it's been wildly successful! She's in high school and has some mad photography skills! She's also from Seattle! Wouldn't it be cool if I actually met her one day??!

Mike bakes every night. I kid you not. Yes, he is just that passionate and dedicated! His posts are short & sweet, and features great recipes, along with fabulous photos! Plus his blog layout is one of the most creative and unique ones I've seen!

This girl likes to "bake outside of the box." She always has really unique, interesting, and super creative recipes/entries! I never get bored of reading her blog! Example 1: apple cupcakes with brie frosting! She's also done a lot of vegan recipes in the past, for those of you who are interested. Not to mention- awesome, mouthwatering photos!

Run by P, my favorite Brit. (Ok, maybe he's the only Brit I know, but still my favorite). I always enjoy reading his entries because they're so funny and witty! lol. Plus, he's recently started a series on Rome. It's a food guide for those of you who are lucky enough to travel there and would like to know where your stomach can go to have a good time! Apparently, P travels there so often that he's become a good authority on such matters. SO jealous.


I save the best for last! Patricia of ButterYum is the ultimate authority on...well, everything when it comes to kitchen matters! She's especially gifted in the baking department and has become my cake decorating guru. The woman knows everything there is to know about baking & decorating cakes. In fact, she's featured some pretty impressive wedding cakes on her site! So if you ever have any baking questions, you know where to go! =)

Alright, there you have it. I hope these blogs will inspire you, too!

Since this is a food blog, I don't want to leave you without posting some food photos. =) Here's a sneak peak at some of the items I have queued up!

The most amazing spice cake EVER. With a special ingredient- and you'll NEVER in a million years guess what's in it if you tasted it! Yup. It's exactly like that bean cake I featured a while back. And for those of you who have tried it, you know what amazingness I'm talking about!

I keep saying that I don't like cookies, but now I'm beginning to think that maybe I've just never had a good home made cookie until I started my blog! hehe. These were to die for. My friends kept raving about them! Dark chocolate cookie, with milk chocolate chips and toffee bits! Mmmm. Get excited for this one!

A classic. And a must-try recipe for lemon fans like me. Bite sized lemon blueberry tartlettes!

And make sure to check out last week's post if you missed it! Sugar cookie cupcakes. Aren't they adorable?

I'm excited to share these recipes with you in the coming weeks! I don't have a kitchen, but at least I can still blog. Takes the edge off, for sure. =)

And for the "Ten Things that I Love" blog post, I tag:

Bryn of Live from the 925
Mariko from Crafty Mariko
Alyssa from Alyssa's Two Bites


  1. Hi Judy, I was so excited to find your blog. I look forward to following your progress on your quest to become the domestic goddess your mother always knew you could be.

  2. Fun! Two new blogs I didn't know existed!

  3. Aw thanks so much, Judy! I'm honored to be included among such amazing bloggers. Since I'm always looking forward to your posts (as a friend and for foodie inspiration), I'm so glad you enjoy mine as well. Going to check out the new-to-me blogs now =D.

  4. Aw... (sniff, sniff)... you are the sweetest Judy!!! I wish we lived closer to each other - we'd be dangerous in the kitchen together (we would have sooooo much fun!!!).


  5. PS - thanks for showing me a few new blogs, and I can't wait to see your upcoming posts - AMAZING PHOTOS, as usual!!!

  6. hold down alt key and then type 0 2 3 3 lift up the alt key: é

  7. Thanks Judy, you are such a great inspiration! Dying to make those flower cookie-cupcakes :) I love finding new blogs, thanks for introducing me to some great ones!

  8. Judy, thnaks for the way you explain all the recipes, and for sharing your tricks.
    Congrats from Barcelona!

  9. Oh yeah! More blogs to check out!

  10. Thanks for sharing - some great blogs on your list :)

    I cannot wait to see the recipe for the lemon blueberry tartlettes, they're so cute and such a delicious flavor combo!

  11. Thanks Jusy! I was so shocked to see me up there. You have a list of super bloggers... And me. I'll be the charity entry! :)

    Can't wait for the tartlettes by the way. They look great, and it's almost blueberry season!

  12. I can't believe I made the list - how freakin' happy am I right now - thanks for the link!!

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  15. Wow! Judy your blog is awesome and the way you explain the recipe you are great. Thanks for sharing I’m going to eat some sweet cookies you make hungry.
