Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Small Giveaway!

I'm doing a giveaway, it's Wednesday. You probably think I'm kidding. But I'm not. hehe.

I've been super swamped at work this week and haven't had a chance to update. And since my posting schedule is once during Mon - Wed and once during Thurs - Sun, I'm way behind.

But now I'm tired and too lazy to post anything cool. So here... you guys get a giveaway instead of a recipe! hehe. Sorry if you were looking forward to a sweet creation. =) Promise I'll post something cool this weekend.

So anyway, on with the giveaway!

It's been brought to my attention that readers go crazy for my cupcake frosting swirls. They're pretty awesome, aren't they?

Behold, Exhibits I, II, and III:

Chocolate Cupcakes with Matcha Italian Meringue Buttercream

Chocolate Salted Caramel Cupcakes

Lemon filled Vanilla Cupcakes with Blueberry Swiss Meringue Buttercream

I've gotten a surprising amount of emails from readers asking where they can find the frosting tip! Apparently everyone wants one! hehe. Beautiful cupcakes are in high demand.

This is my favorite jumbo go-to tip. It's fabulous! And I don't even use a coupler for it. I just snip the end of a piping bag and stick it straight in. Works like a charm!

Ok, so I'm giving THREE of these away! Yay!

There you have it. I really hope you guys don't think this is a lame giveaway...I have my fingers crossed that I'll get at least three comments. lol. =)

Alright here's how to enter:

Make sure to subscribe to the blog either via reader, email, or by "following."

Leave a comment with the following info (1) how you've subscribed, and (2) your favorite cupcake flavor. (Maybe I'll try some of them!)

Make sure to comment by Saturday, 2/13/2010 @ 9:00pm Pacific time. Winners will be chosen at random and announced on Sunday.

This giveaway is open to everyone, even international readers! =)


  1. Hi Judy! I've subscribed through google reader. I found you through ghkim blog. Your cupcakes look amazing! My favorite cupcake flavor right now is lemon raspberry.

  2. Judy, I would love the chance to win the piping tip. I've made 2 attempts at the caramel frosting but no sucess with incorporating meringue and butter. Will get some tips from my friend who is professional baker and try again. It was your photos that definitely inspired me and made me so determined to learn how to make this frosting. lisa.fong at

  3. Hi Judy, I love love love your blog....all the recipes are just awesome! I have tried some of them and they turn out amazing! thank you!!!I subscribed by "following". My favorite flavor would be red velvet with cream cheese frosting. Typical huh hehehe but so far, nothing can beat that. It's my all time favorite!

    Another thing, your food photography are just super amazing! if you don't mind, maybe, would you share your photograhy technique? type of camera you use, the lens??? How do you set up the lighting?? the food staging???I really adore all your pictures.

    thanks a bunch!!!!

  4. Hi! I absolutely love how your frosting looks on your cupcakes when you use the jumbo tip! I would definitely love to one one! I suscribed via email ( I haven't had a chance to try any of your cupcake recipes since I'm in college, and only get a chance to bake when I'm home :( My favorite cupcake flavor is probably Italian creme!

  5. Hi Judy! I subscribe through google reader and my favorite cupcake flavor is anything with cream cheese frosting! I've been dying to try your lemon cupcakes with blueberry swiss meringue frosting they sound so delicious now I just need an excuse. (Who am i kidding there's always a reason for cupcakes). Your frosting swirls are amazing. I've gotten so frustrated with frosting my cupcakes that I've reverted back to a spatula because they just never come out nice at all. I would love to win these tips..make a little of your skill will come with them :) my email is

  6. Yaaaay Giveaway! I can't find Ateco tips in stores around here, so it would be awesome to win one of those! I'm already a "follower", and my favorite cupcake flavor is...anything besides chocolate. *gasp* Oh and Swiss meringue buttercream is a must.

  7. Wow, I used to have one of those tips, from when I took cake-decorating classes at age 13. Pretty sure that if I tried the lemon-filled cupcakes with blueberry meringue buttercream, that would be my all-time favorite. I became a follower when someone else mentioned your crab-spinach-artichoke macaroni; I made it and LOVED it. My email is

  8. I'm so computer illiterate...I think I subscribe thru google reader...see thats bad right?? anyways, I love these tips!! I only have 1!!! so my cupcakes are pretty boring...always look the same!!! I too love anything with cream cheese frosting!! but I made some orange cupcakes with vanilla swiss meringue and they were pretty tasty!!!! I'm really wanting to try some of your cupcake recipes soon!!! they all look very yummy!!!!

  9. Hi Judy, I subscribed via email ( I also recently emailed you for those cupcake wrapper templates. Unfortunately, I haven't had time to try it out yet. My favorite cupcake flavor is anything with lemon in it.

  10. Hello! I subscribed by 'following' and I just love the stuff you make. If I had to choose a favorite cupcake, it would have to be either red velvet or peanut butter cupcakes (ever tried those?)

  11. Hey Judy,

    Thanks for yr note at the end of your post...:). I came across yr blog thru the MS Club. My fav flavour of cupcake is Banana Cupcakes(my very own creation) with Armenian Coffee die for. They both have a great aroma, when baking with bananas and when brewing coffee. You can use any coffee that you like and you can do yrs the Swiss way. Try it and let me know what you think.

  12. I think I'm subscribed through Google reader or blogger, I suck. But I love your cupcakes and I can't wait to try your recipes. I've recently took an interest in baking and this tip will make my cupcakes look cool. So I hope I win :D

  13. Cool! You are a born cupcake queen! The swirls look so sexy!
    My fav. cupcake flavour? mmmm.....berry, coffee and caramel!

  14. I agree, you ARE the cupcake queen!! Love, love, love your frosting swirls! Don't bother entering me in the contest since I have a few of those tips already - I just wanted to say hello!


  15. I came upon your Blog through "the Claytons Blog" and really find it inspiring. The hard work is appreciated. I have subscribed via e-mail.

    I have to be obvious and say my favourite flavour is chocolate with coffee icing (or vice versa!)

  16. Hey Judy! I'm a google reader! :)
    So, umm... I made some fabulous Guinness cupcakes for the Super Bowl (WHO DAT!) and I only have 2-3 really small crappy tips and I tried to pipe my Bailey's frosting on all pretty and, well... they looked like crap! I had to cut the piping bag open and spread it on the cupcakes!!! All that drama to say... I NEED A BIGGER TIP! {And you just happen to be giving some away, how amazing is that?!?!?}
    I <3 your blog by the way!

  17. Hello Judy!
    I was directed to your blog after Googling cupcake recipes several months ago. I too am a cupcake lover! I welcome a chance to win the tip to properly tip my favorite cupcake which is your Salted Caramel!!! Your blog is absolutely amazing and I enjoy all of the recipes with the pictures.

  18. You're so cute! I also realized I never signed up to follow the blog...I just have it bookmarked. So now I'm an official blogger follower. My favorite is plain vanilla...super boring. But I like to mess around with the frosting. BUT, if you feel like trying to make a Samoa cupcake (like the girl scout cookies), that could be awesome. I tried it a few years ago and it turned out pretty good. I'm going to try the flourless cake tonight for a birthday party tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes!

  19. Hi! I added your feeds to my iGoogle home page : prettily lined up next to others of my favorites food and desserts blogs!

    My favorite cupcakes are those with a surprise in it ; like biting in a fresh fruits or pocket of custard hidden in the middle of the cake.

  20. I'm a follower through my google reader!

    My favorite cupcake is lemon

  21. Those are to die for frosting swirls!!!

    I'm subscribed via Google Reader, and my favorite cupcake flavor is mocha with caramel frosting. YUM!

  22. I get your blog via email and always look forward to it. I've just recently started using a piping bag to frost cupcakes-chocolate being my favorite, but I've recently done lemon with cream cheese frosting. I'd love to have your tip.

  23. I get your blog via email. My favorite cupcake is vanilla bean with chocolate ganache. I'd love to try your tip.

  24. I am registered for your blog through email, and enjoy your posts. I would love to win one of the tips. Right now my favorite cupcake is a coffee flavored cake, white chocolate rum cream filling, and whipped cream to top it all off. YUM!

  25. Hi Judy! I 'follow' your blog, and I get SO excited when you post something new!
    I stumbled upon your blog during the holidays when searching for a replica of the Cheesecake Factory's Red Velvet/White Chocolate Cheesecake. I've made it 3 times now, and WOW. Thank you so much for taking the time to post your baking expirements :] I have made at least 8 of your cupcake recipes, and they are all fabulous. My favorite cupcake flavor is good old chocolate with your fantastic Swiss Meringue Buttercream frosting. :] Now I just need a super awesome frosting tip!

    This weekend I am going to embark on the flourless dark chocolate cake for Valentines Day.
    Thanks again!

  26. I love your blog, and am hoping to start one of my own - I have a lot to learn still as I am fairly computer challenged.... I follow your blog via email, probably because it was the 'easyist' way. My favorite cupcake flavor is coconut cream and IF you get a chance, can you mention how long a piped frosting will stay, and what is the best icing for the longest time??? Thanks,

  27. Hi Judy - my favorite flavor is lemon cupcakes with lemon curd filling. Must try the Swiss or Italian buttercreams - I, too, find the normal conf. sugar buttercreams too icky sweet. Just completed the four Wilton cake decorating classes and could certainly use the Ateco tip. Judy B. Houston, Texas

  28. Oopps...I follow through E-mail. Judy B.

  29. Hi Judy,

    I've subscribed through e-mail after stumbling upon your blog while googling for Swiss meringue frosting! Thanks to you I've gained the confidence to try it and made the most caloric (is there such a word??)cupcake ever to take to my personal trainer's house warming!!
    The flavor was a vanilla cupcake (using the recipe you suggested from William Sonoma) filled with a strawberry mascarpone mousse and topped with a Vanilla Swiss Meringue Buttercream!!
    A mouthful to say let alone eat!
    Look forward to reading your blog entries!
    Evelyn, Sydney - Australia

  30. I'm subscribed via reader. I really want this tip! I was so sad when I made the pumpkin cupcakes with the pumpkin meringue buttercream frosting, and my piping tip wasn't big enough and didn't create pretty swirlies on top. :(

  31. Hi Judy,

    Im subsribed by email (, Love ur posts, you are always soo helpful!

    i cant beat a rich chocolate cupcake with a gooey choc centre and rosewater buttercream frosting...mmmm makes me wanna bake rite now!!

    thanx again fo taking the time to share all ur knowledge

    Lara Syd, Australia

  32. Judy, i subscribe by email. love your blog. i love vanilla cake, with vanilla frosting...but also love chocolate decadence with kahlua coffee buttercream. yum!

  33. Hi, it's Lydia. I subscribe by 'following' on Blogger. I love a good chocolate cupcake with a strawberry frosting. Just like a chocolate dipped strawberry!

  34. Hi Judy,

    I subscribed through email. Your posts are fun! My favortie cupcakes would be chocolate cake with peanut butter icing....

  35. Hi Judy!
    I've been subscribed to your blog through Google Reader for a while now, and looove it! Hmmmm, I would have to say lime and coconut cupcakes are my favorite!

  36. I'm subscribed via email. My favorite is chocolate filled with raspberry buttercream

  37. If that tip will make my cupcakes look anything like yours, then YES! I'd love to have one. Actually, I looked through all mine (800's) and don't have the 855.... hm... go figure! ALL your cupcakes look amazing - I've said that before - and truly think you should go into the cupcake business, you'd be a sure hit!

  38. Hi,

    I've subscribed via e-mail and I love reading your blog especially because you post pictures of every step, it makes it so easy to try at home! My favorite cupcake is chocolate with vanilla buttercream & Dulce de Leche (in South Africa we can buy it in the shops, already boiled :-)!But i'm dying to try your SMB.

    Helena, South Africa

  39. Hi Judy - I subscribed via e-mail and my favorite cupcake flavor is red velvet with cream cheese frosting. I LOVE your blog and look forward to the updates every week! I am a self-proclaimed cupcake addict so I love trying your new cake recipes at home and they never disappoint!


  40. I look forward to your twice weekly blog and think those cupcake pictures you posted are awesome. Especially like the looks of the chocolate one. Will try it soon!

    Thanks for doing what you do!!


  41. Hey Judy!

    I love your blog and have been an "unofficial" follower for months, but this little give away inspired me to subscribe today via email :).

    If I had to pick my favorite cupcake flavor, it would definitely be red velvet with a really rich cream cheese frosting...mmmmm! Actually, I like red velvet anything. I'm dying to try your layered red velvet cheesecake creation!

    Keep up the good work!


  42. Hi Judy,

    I've subscribed to your blog via email. My favorite cupcakes are salted caramel cupcakes. I love your salted caramel cupcake recipe and your food pics.

    Thanks for posting great recipes with detailed steps.


  43. Hi Judy,

    I subscribe via Google Reader. I have been enjoying your blog and recipes. I would love to own that piping pretty.


  44. Hi Judy,
    Yay, another chance at your giveaway! I subscribe with the google reader, and my favorite cupcake so far is the sweet potato one from Martha.

  45. I subscribe through email.. my favorite cupcake is red velvet.

  46. Google Reader, and I 'follow'. I can't even bear how much I want a tip like that. We can't get Ateco over here!

    Even if I don't win, I love looking at your cupcakes. :)

    (And you have my email... :))

  47. Hi Judy, I subscribed through email. My favorite cupcakes are marble cupcakes because I love seeing the swirly effects when I bite into them :) I love your blog, keep up the good work!

  48. Time's up! Thank you to everyone who participated in the giveaway! Stay tuned for the Winners Announcement! =)
