Sunday, December 6, 2009

Eggnog Latte Cupcakes

I love eggnog. As a kid, I used to drink it every morning for breakfast during the holidays. As an adult, my new vice is the Eggnog Latte at Starbucks. Boy, is it glorious! Two of my favorite things together in one: eggnog and coffee.

I was surfing the net for holiday recipes and knew that I wanted to do something with eggnog in it. I didn't know what I was specifically looking for, but eggnog had to be a part of the equation.

After days of reading through boring eggnog recipes to no avail, I finally found it: the glorious Eggnog Latte Cupcakes. You can probably guess how excited I was! THREE of my favorite things in one: eggnog, coffee, and cupcakes! What could be better?? I had to make these immediately.

It's an eggnog cupcake with coffee-infused mascarpone frosting! Ok, let me revise my prior statement: this recipe contains FOUR of my favorite things: eggnog, coffee, cupcakes, and marscarpone frosting! Mmmmmm....! I could already tell that this was going to be the ultimate cupcake for coffee-obsessed Seattleites like me.

(1) The Eggnog Cupcakes

The two essential ingredients: eggnog and dark rum! You already know that it's gonna be good.

Sift together the dry ingredients. Cake flour is used for this one. I know cake flour can be hard to find in some areas. And even if your local grocery store has it, it's suuuuuper expensive. You'd be surprised to know that you can actually make your own for a fraction of the cost. It's just a mixture of regular flour and corn starch! And it takes all of 30 seconds to whip up. There are a ton of recipes out there if you Google it. Here's the first search result. You're welcome! =)

Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy.

Add in the vanilla. I always use pure Madagascar vanilla extract. It's a bit pricey, but totally worth the investment.

Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.

Then add in the eggnog and rum. Mix until well combined.

Add the flour mixture in three batches, beating until just combined. Do not over mix.

Bake at 350 degrees. The recipe said to bake for 22 minutes, but mine only took about 15. I think maybe it's because I have dark muffin tins. Just keep your eye on it.

They baked up SO beautifully! They were really large cupcakes and had that muffin top dome! The entire kitchen smelled so yummy - like eggnog!

(2) The Coffee Marscarpone Frosting

I love Marscarpone Frosting. It's so light and fluffy. It's basically Marscarpone cheese mixed with fresh whipped cream and powdered sugar. A great combination!

Mix the powdered sugar and marscarpone until smooth. Set aside.

Beat one cup of heavy whipping cream until stiff peaks form.

Then add the marscarpone mixture and coffee grounds. I used my favorite type of coffee: Verona. It's a sweeter dessert coffee. Perfect for cupcakes!

Mix until well combined. You can see the little specks of coffee!

(3) Frost, Decorate, and Devour!

Wow, these cupcakes were SO incredible! The frosting alone was totally out of this world! I could've sat there and just spooned frosting into my mouth directly from the bowl. Any coffee lover would go crazy for these!

Surprisingly, Hubby, who hates the taste of coffee really enjoyed these too. The coffee taste wasn't super over powering, it provided just enough of a subtle flavor to really bring out the eggnog flavor of the cupcake.

I thought maybe the coffee grounds would make the frosting a bit gritty, but it wasn't! The frosting was so light, smooth, and creamy- it just melts in your mouth. Delicious!

Coffee lover or not, everyone should give these fabulous cupcakes a try!

Please click HERE for recipes in this entry:

Eggnog Cupcakes
Coffee Marscarpone Frosting


  1. These sound just delicious and I love their appearance too. That speckled frosting is great!

  2. What a gorgeous flavor idea for cupcakes and they look absolutely beautiful :)

  3. Thanks for the recipe! I'm totally going to attempt making these. You photos are amazing!

  4. YUM! I've been a big fan of your blog for awhile now but haven't actually tried any of your recipes until tonight! I made these right after seeing your post, and they turned out delicious (abeit frosting and rum-free...) not too sweet and just a hint of eggnog taste :) Can't wait to try the frosting next time when I can get my hands on some mascarpone

  5. Hey, I wonder why this didn't show up on my Blogger Reading List? I canceled my "follow" subscription and then resubscribed. Maybe that will fix the problem. Now, on to reading this uber yummy looking post!


  6. I'm dying... eggnog, latte, and Mascarpone??? Will you marry me? Oh wait, we're both already married. Bummer.


  7. Seriously, I could chug an entire carton of eggnog in one sitting... I won't even buy it because I have no self control when it's in the house.

    I'm in love with these cupcakes!!


  8. Gorgeous cupcakes! These are so festive and just perfect for this time of year. Maybe I'll make them for our Christmas Eve family party :)

    Thanks for letting me know where you found the mint chips Judy. We don't have Safeway or Bartell's by me but I am heading to Whole Foods tomorrow with my fingers crossed that I'll find them!

  9. These look delicious! And they puffed up so nicely!

    Next time you're at starbucks getting an eggnog latte, try adding a little hazelnut. Single handedly responsible for gaining around 5 lbs during Sr. year of college.

  10. What an absolute winner! I love coffee, too, and am starting to see the light with respect to eggnog. Really like the specks in that frosting. Send me one, pretty please? ;)

  11. Judy - THANK YOU for posting this... I have eggnog just waiting to be used! And you are such an artist with the cupcakes! They look so perfect, truly! Hm.... I also have mascarpone in the fridge too! What a coincidence! These are breathtaking cupcakes!!!

  12. They look amazing, as always Judy. :)

    I think the cakes plain would be crazy good (they look like they should be in a textbook - perfect domes!), but that frosting takes it to another level!

  13. Judy- this is absolutely amazing. Eggnog is hands down the thing I look forward to most during this time of year. This would be a perfect complement to some of the other winter recipes I'm making at

  14. That looks so delicious! I like the taste of cappuccino in cakes or cookies. Very tasty.
