Friday, October 23, 2009

Scary Rice Krispy Treats

I thought it would be fun to come up with a Halloween sweet-treat project that moms can do with their kids!

When I was a kid, I loved Rice Krispie Treats more than life itself. When they came out with the pre-packaged kind, wrapped nicely in shiny blue foil, I was so excited! All I wanted was to have one in my sack lunch. But when my mom finally caved into my demands, I was thoroughly disappointed. They weren't nearly as good as the homemade kind! Though I didn't know it at the time, in retrospect, I think they lacked the freshness that you can only get by making it at home.

I don't have any kids of my own, but I figured that you can never go wrong with Rice Krispie Treats! So here's what I came up with:

Ta-DA! Scary candy coated Rice Krispie Treat eyeballs!

Melt marshmallows in a heat safe bowl, toss in Rice Krispies and mix until well combined.

Spread into a greased 13x9in pan and let it sit for about 15-20 minutes.

Here's what you'll need: lollipop sticks, a Styrofoam block, white and red candy melts. You can find all these ingredients at your local craft store (I got mine at Michael's). Candy melts come in all different colors, in the form of round chips. They melt really easily and will give you a smooth coating. They taste kinda like white chocolate!

When the Rice Krispies are ready to go, butter your hands and tear off small chunks to roll into balls, about 1 inch in diameter. You will have to butter your hands often, or else they will stick to your fingers, and you won't be able to shape it. I buttered my hands about every 2 balls or so.

Next, melt some of the white candy melts. Dip the tip of your lollipop stick into the candy melt and stick it into the Rice Krispie ball- about 1/2 inch deep.

When all of them are done, place on a plate and refrigerate for about 20-30 minutes, so the balls and the candy melts get a chance to harden a little bit. This will make it easier when you dip them in candy melts later.

They're kinda cute without any candy coating, and would make for a great party treat any other time of the year!

When the balls are ready to go, dip them into the white candy melts, and immediately stick an M&M onto the front, before the candy melt has a chance to harden.

Then, stick the lollipops into the Styrofoam block, so that it can harden. At this point, you can leave it out (it will harden eventually at room temperature), or you can speed things up by popping it in the fridge for 10-20 minutes.

At first, I was trying really hard to get all of the eyes to come out with a smooth coating, but then I realized that the ones with lumpy coating really added to the creepiness! So feel free to let your kids have at it! The lumpier, the better! =)

After the white candy coating has hardened, melt the red candy melts and place in a zip lock bag. Snip the end of the ziplock bag, to produce a tiny opening. Use this to pipe on the veins to make bloodshot eyes.

Hehe. Creepy, eh? =) Once the red candy melts have hardened, it's ready to be served!

I got some small candy bags at the craft store, along with some black ribbon.

They were super cute wrapped like individual lollipops (well, as cute as creepy eyeballs can possibly be)! They can be handed out as party favors.

Or served in a bowl!

I can't remember the last time I had a Rice Krispie Treat. I had forgotten how good they were until I made these! I think I might've eaten 1/4 of the entire batch while I was making them! And after they were turned into eyeballs, they were even more delicious, with the candy coating and the chocolate M&M! I think adults would really enjoy these too!

For those of you who have kids, if you attempt this recipe with them, will you let me know how it turned out? I hope they enjoy it as much as I did! =)

I think this yielded about 30 lollipops, but I can't be sure, because I ate a lot of it along the way. So, let's just say that it'll yield 30-35. lol.

Rice Krispie Treats
Click HERE for the recipe.


  1. Judy - these are the cutest eyeballs ever!

    I can recall the exact same disappointment when I purchased one of those prepackaged rice krispie treats sitting in a box at the convenience store register... what a let down! I never made that mistake again!! Homemade treats are infinitely better - especially when made with butter.

  2. I made homemade rice krispie treats the other day and thought, "I'm no Judy, I'll stick to rice krispie treats." They are SOOOO good! I like the eyeballs, very creepy. Nice job!

  3. Haha those are awesome!! I love that you made them into pops. Perfect for Halloween :)

  4. Total winner. Party guests loved them (especially the grown ups--who knows why).

  5. This was the perfect sweet to make for my 8 yr olds halloween school party.. He really enjoyed helping too.. Big hit at school..

  6. I made these for Halloween 2013. Rather than put them on lollipop sticks I used toothpicks, then removed the finished eyeballs from the toothpicks and used some of them them as cupcake toppers. The remaining eyeballs I glued in to mini cupcake liners (using a dot of red candy melt) and served them in a cardboard coffin - they were a huge hit! One big handy hint: if you wear latex-free gloves (like the kind medical professionals wear) the Rice Krispie treats won't stick to your hands when you roll them into balls - no need to butter the gloves!
